Workbench vice
Workbench vice
Workbench vice
Workbench vice
Workbench vice
Workbench vice

Workbench vice


Art. No. 10013092

2 Reviews

RRP €34.99 2
€24.99 1

Workbench vice W/ ANVIL, 60MM JAW WIDTH

Everyone knows how useful it is to have your own workbench or a really sturdy table for your workshop. And, of course, it should always be equipped with a strong bench vice, like this one from BGS Technik. With anvil, 60 mm wide jaws and 360° swivel. It enables you to clamp your workpieces in whatever way you need to be able to work precisely. This vice is the crowning glory of your workbench!

  • Material: solid cast steel
  • Weight: approx. 1800 g
  • Suitable for workbench/table tops up to 45 mm thick

Reviews (2)
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