Back Protectors

Back Protectors

Back protectors that can be worn separately and also complete protector jackets are a very interesting alternative to integrated protectors. Especially under textile garments with a more casual cut, protector jackets or vests ensure that the individual protectors are held firmly in position in the event of an accident. Many of the protector jackets in the Louis range are additionally equipped with padding for the ribs, tailbone and neck. If you're in any doubt about which to choose, you can order two different sizes from Louis by mail order and try them on. Louis will take back any item that does not fit or which you do not like.

834 Back protector
Super Shield
RRP €79.99 €59.991
Back Protector
CB back protector
Super Shield
RRP €79.99 €69.991
D3O tailbone protector
Nucleon KR-1 Cell
RRP €184.95 €166.451
Nucleon KR-2
RRP €154.95 €139.451
Nucleon KR-Cell
RRP €119.95 €107.961
Nucleon KR-R Cell
RRP €179.95 €131.991
Pro-Armor 2.0 back long
RRP €169.00 €152.901
Pro-Armor 2.0 back short
RRP €169.00 €152.901
VXP-3 back protector
VXP-4 back protector
RRP €139.99 €119.991
Wave 11 D1 Air Back Protector
RRP €199.00 €179.951
Wave 12 D1 Air Back Protector
RRP €199.00 €179.951
Back Protectors

Back protectors that can be worn separately and also complete protector jackets are a very interesting alternative to integrated protectors. Especially under textile garments with a more casual cut, protector jackets or vests ensure that the individual protectors are held firmly in position in the event of an accident. Many of the protector jackets in the Louis range are additionally equipped with padding for the ribs, tailbone and neck. If you're in any doubt about which to choose, you can order two different sizes from Louis by mail order and try them on. Louis will take back any item that does not fit or which you do not like.

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