Motorcycle Fork Oil

Motorcycle Fork Oil

Fork oil recommendation: Telescopic forks also need an oil change every 2-3 years. If your fork does not have compression and rebound damping adjustment, it may be worth changing to a higher-viscosity fork oil if the suspension is too soft.

Expert Fork Oil Technosynthese
RRP €21.99 €13.501
Fork oil 10W medium, 500ml
Liqui Moly
(1 l = €19.181)
Fork Oil 10W mineral 500 ml
(1 l = €19.981)
Fork Oil 5W synthetic
RRP €27.99 €21.901
Fork oil 7,5W medium / light, 1L
Liqui Moly
RRP €16.19 €15.991
(1 l = €15.991)
Fork Oil mineral
RRP €9.99 €4.991
(1 l = €9.981)
fork oil mineral 500 ml
(1 l = €19.981)
fork oil mineral 500 ml
(1 l = €19.981)
Fork Oil synthetic
RRP €10.99 €5.991
(1 l = €11.981)
Fork Oil Technosynthese Expert
RRP €21.99 €16.901
Motorcycle Fork Oil

Fork oil recommendation: Telescopic forks also need an oil change every 2-3 years. If your fork does not have compression and rebound damping adjustment, it may be worth changing to a higher-viscosity fork oil if the suspension is too soft.

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