Motorcycle Airbags & Accessories

Motorcycle Airbags & Accessories

Airbags are potential life savers. Motorcycle riders can now enjoy what car drivers have been taking for granted for decades. On a motorcycle the airbag system is worn on the body like a waistcoat. Depending on the model, these airbag waistcoats can also protect a much larger area of the body than classic back protectors: shoulders, tailbones, ribs, kidneys and the internal organs in the chest and upper abdomen. Two airbag systems are currently available at Louis: mechanical and electronic airbag waistcoats. A ripcord which is connected to the motorcycle is used as a mechanical trigger. On the electronic version motion sensors issue the activation signal.

4659 connector
D-Air Road Shield  gas catridge
E-Protect Air Airbagvest
eVest Pro gas cartridge
triggering belt
vehicle fastening strap
Motorcycle Airbags & Accessories

Airbags are potential life savers. Motorcycle riders can now enjoy what car drivers have been taking for granted for decades. On a motorcycle the airbag system is worn on the body like a waistcoat. Depending on the model, these airbag waistcoats can also protect a much larger area of the body than classic back protectors: shoulders, tailbones, ribs, kidneys and the internal organs in the chest and upper abdomen. Two airbag systems are currently available at Louis: mechanical and electronic airbag waistcoats. A ripcord which is connected to the motorcycle is used as a mechanical trigger. On the electronic version motion sensors issue the activation signal.

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