Enuma - Brand shop
Perfect drive engineering from the inventor of the O-ring motorcycle chain
Since the 1970s, Enuma has specialised in the production of high-strength motorcycle drive chains. With great success, considering that milestones such as the O-ring motorcycle chain, the screw-type chain lock, the Quad-Ring and Quadra-X-Ring chain sealing rings as well as the ZZZ drive chain for particularly high-performance "monster bikes" can be credited to the long-established company. Motorcycle chains with unusual colours appeal in particular to those bike owners who place high importance on the design and lasting impression of their motorcycle.
Since the 1970s, Enuma has specialised in the production of high-strength motorcycle drive chains. With great success, considering that milestones such as the O-ring motorcycle chain, the screw-type chain lock, the Quad-Ring and Quadra-X-Ring chain sealing rings as well as the ZZZ drive chain for particularly high-performance "monster bikes" can be credited to the long-established company. Motorcycle chains with unusual colours appeal in particular to those bike owners who place high importance on the design and lasting impression of their motorcycle.