BTE AutoReiseZug

BTE ReiseAutoZug

Your LouisCard advantage:  10 €  discount per trip / booking


10 €  discount per trip / booking.

Your motorway. Exclusively without traffic jams.

Reach your destination safely and relaxed, overnight: Travel safely and well-rested on the BTE AutoReiseZug Hamburg – Lörrach towards the most beautiful tour destinations in the Alps.

Whether travelling alone or as a group, reach the tour departure point overnight in a comfortable couchette or sleeper compartment.

All routes between May and October can be booked flexibly.

If you have a LouisCard, benefit from a direct discount of 10 € per route/booking.

To qualify for the discount, enter the code ‘BTE-Louis-10’ in the ‘Member programme’ field when booking.

The discount is deducted directly when you make the booking.

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