Victory 39 Brake Disc Lock
Victory 39 Brake Disc Lock
Victory 39 Brake Disc Lock
Victory 39 Brake Disc Lock
Victory 39 Brake Disc Lock
Victory 39 Brake Disc Lock
Victory 39 Brake Disc Lock
Victory 39 Brake Disc Lock

Victory 39 Brake Disc Lock


Art. No. 10051272

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RRP €49.95 2
€47.50 1

Victory 39 Brake Disc Lock VICTORY 39 BLACK/RED

Additional brake disc lock protection is a proven way to protect your motorbike from theft. The ABUS *Victory 39* is a handy part that does its job without compromise. Pure and simple, just solid, hard steel. Hard to crack and easy to stow away. With "reminder cable" so you can release the blockage before you ride.
  • 12 mm locking bolt
  • excellent grip due to rubber coating
  • round design to minimise the attack surface
  • integrated memory cable as a reminder against accidental unblocking with the lock attached -
  • two keys included
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