Handguards Multiplo
Handguards Multiplo
Handguards Multiplo
Handguards Multiplo

Handguards Multiplo


Art. No. 10019636

3 Reviews

RRP €139.95 2
€79.99 1


Acerbis Multiplo-Set "E" Hand Guards

If you like earth and gravel passages to take with a swing then you must have these protectors. A fall or Fall-Downs are also for experts not always excluded and an impact on your unprotected barends can ruin not only your brake and clutch lever but also your handlebar fitting or your hydraulic reservoir.

For this reason it is the absolute top model from Acerbis. Nylon handguards made by polypropylen with aluminium frame and aluminium inner guard including mounting kit. Extremely strong for the professional rider - virtually indestructible. 3-useable. The solid aluminium bar can also be installed without the hand guard. Super-strong plastic protects against wind and stone chips.

  • Made in Italy
  • Available in pairs weight: 720g (pair)
  • Including mounting kit which is suitable for mounting on steel and aluminium handlebars as well as all oversized handlebars (approx. 28 mm) from 14mm inner diameter

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