Reparaturanleitung BMW-Boxer
Reparaturanleitung BMW-Boxer

Reparaturanleitung BMW-Boxer


Art. No. 10053475

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Reparaturanleitung BMW-Boxer VIERVENTIL-BOXER AB 93-

BMW Boxer - Engine - Clutch - Transmission - Driveshaft
Maintenance and repair of the four-valve Boxers from 1993 onwards

  • This special-edition motorcycle repair manual contains detailed descriptions for servicing, upkeep, dismantling, measuring and assembling the engine, clutch, transmission and driveshaft of BMW's four-valve Boxer engines.
  • This special edition complements all motorcycle repair manuals dealing with BMW 4-valve Boxers. It tells you all about the engine electrics, servicing data, information on how to make special tools yourself, tips and tricks on the four-valve Boxer engine and drive shaft.
  • 192 pages, paperpack
  • Only in german language

Manufacturer: P. Pietsch Verlage Gmbh & Co. KG | Industriestrasse 23 | 70178 Stuttgart | Germany | +49 711210800 | |
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