GC009 X-Connect SAE Adapter
GC009 X-Connect SAE Adapter
GC009 X-Connect SAE Adapter
GC009 X-Connect SAE Adapter

GC009 X-Connect SAE Adapter


Art. No. 10054665

2 Reviews

€20.95 1

GC009 X-Connect SAE Adapter SAE ADAPTER

For all those who already own a battery charger of another brand with a standard SAE connection and want to use the permanent connection NOCO *GC002 X-Connect", here is the solution. The NOCO *GC009 X-Connect* adapter cable. This X-Connect adapter converts an X-Connect connection into a standard SAE connection.
  • convert SAE standard to NOCO X-Connect for
  • convenient to connect
  • offers additional charging options with plug-n-play accessory modification
  • rugged, waterproof connector for all environments
Manufacturer: NOCO Europe B.V. | Kabelweg 57 | 1014 BA Amsterdam | Netherlands | support@no.co | www.no.co
registration number WEEE: NPWD 349771
Reviews (2)
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