oiler Vsystem Lse
oiler Vsystem Lse
oiler Vsystem Lse
oiler Vsystem Lse
oiler Vsystem Lse
oiler Vsystem Lse

oiler Vsystem Lse


Art. No. 10014037

42 Reviews

RRP €109.99 2
€79.99 1

oiler Vsystem Lse LOUIS EDITION

Only available from Louis: the automatic chain lubricating system Scottoiler *VSystem Louis Edition*. Forget the messy job of oiling your chain the old-fashioned way! With this system, fresh oil is applied continuously to keep your chain in top condition.

The sophisticated Scottoiler *VSystem* is suitable for all types of chain and is controlled by the vacuum created when your engine is running. The oil is applied by means of gravity. A minute quantity of oil continually drips onto the drive chain, creating a lubricating film that is constantly refreshed. Centrifugal force acting on the chain when you ride your motorbike presses the oil evenly into every link, so your chain is always kept perfectly lubricated. The Scottoiler's drip speed can be exactly set to between 0 and 2 drops per minute, depending on the riding conditions.
The Scottoiler *VSystem LSE*, with 30 ml oil reservoir, gives you lots of installation options, and once it's in place, it can stay on your bike permanently.
The reservoir is compact enough to install just about anywhere, and works in any inclined or horizontal position.

  • Say goodbye to lubricating your chain manually. And you won't need to adjust the slack so often, either.
  • Extends chain life by up to 7 times
  • Saves fuel
  • Compact reservoir (30 ml) fits discreetly and elegantly to your bike
  • Quick and easy to install following the detailed step-by-step instructions
  • For almost all motorcycles and quads/ATVs, incl. fuel-injected bikes
  • For road and off-road use
  • Maintenance-free
  • No entry required in vehicle documents
  • Incl. attachments and 125 ml chain oil, sufficient for up to 6,250 km
  • Comprises: Scottoiler, brackets, self-adhesive fixing pads, various tubes, multiform dispenser, cable ties and connections, and a 125 ml bottle of Scottoil with filling spout
  • Model-specific installation instructions (motorcycles and quads/ATVs) can be found under "Documents" (Links to product).

Unfortunately, the Scottoiler VSystem LSE cannot be used on Honda NC700 models because there is no way of connecting the vacuum tubing on this bike. Also, this Scottoiler cannot be used on BMW F800R or S1000 R/RR until 2017. For these models, please use the Scottoiler E-System.

Manufacturer: Rock Oil Vertriebsges. mbH | Bahnstrasse 90 | 55239 Gau-Odernheim | Germany | +49 67 33 / 20 59 470 | shop@rockoil.de | www.rockoil-shop.de
May produce an allergic reaction.
Reviews (42)
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