Water Temperature Gauge
Water Temperature Gauge
Water Temperature Gauge
Water Temperature Gauge
Tumbleton and Twist

Water Temperature Gauge


Art. No. 10036509

1 Review

RRP €49.99 2
€24.99 1

Water Temperature Gauge 48 MM, ELECTR., BLACK

Of course, the old rule, "Better safe than sorry" applies equally to water-cooled motorcycles. So Tumbleton & Twist make an electronic water temperature gauge, with classic 48 mm diameter, which will tell you exactly what you need to know. You can purchase very precise T&T "Made in Germany" thermometers for quads, trikes and bikes with normal vibration levels.


  • Scale: black
  • Housing: Diameter 48 mm, installation depth 46.3 mm
  • Operating voltage: 12 V
  • Display range +40°C to +120°C (a compatible water temperature sensor is also available)
  • TÜV/DEKRA symbol

(Please order the necessary mountings separately)

Manufacturer: Detlev Louis Motorrad-Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH | Rungedamm 35 | 21035 Hamburg | Germany | Tel. 00 49 (0) 40 – 734 193 60 | service@louis.de | www.louis.de
registration number WEEE: NPWD 349771
Review (1)
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