Enamel cup Route 66
Enamel cup Route 66
Enamel cup Route 66
Enamel cup Route 66
Enamel cup Route 66
Enamel cup Route 66
Enamel cup Route 66
Enamel cup Route 66
Enamel cup Route 66
Enamel cup Route 66
Enamel cup Route 66
Enamel cup Route 66
US Highways

Enamel cup Route 66

360 ml

Art. No. 10015188

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€12.95 1

Enamel cup Route 66 360 ml

Sung, described, filmed - one of the most famous roads in the world is the legendary "Route 66". It originally ran for 3945 km from the east coast (Chicago, Illinois) to the west coast (Santa Monica, California). Diagonally through the USA. For all friends of the famous "Main Street of America" or who are just looking for a nice Route 66 gift, we have a lot in our assortment. For example: the enamel cup *Route 66*

On the road, in the workshop, for the biker tribe in their home garden ... there are many good opportunities for this beautiful enamel cup.

  • volume: approx. 360 ml
  • Dimensions: (H x Ø) 80 x 80 mm
  • Material: enamelled steel

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