Refill Packs Metric
Refill Packs Metric
Refill Packs Metric
Refill Packs Metric
Refill Packs Metric
Refill Packs Metric
Refill Packs Metric
Refill Packs Metric
Refill Packs Metric
Refill Packs Metric

Refill Packs Metric

Art. No. 10002570

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RRP €5.99 2
from €2.69 1

Refill Packs Metric

Sooner or later you may run out of V-Coil thread inserts. Then you will need one of our refill sets! Each set contains 5 or 10 thread inserts, depending on size.

  • Made of high-quality nickel-chromium stainless steel
  • Only suitable for use with V-Coil and V-Coil Rapid thread repair kits
  • Thread length in installed condition: 1.5 D, i.e. the finished repair thread has one and a half times the length of its own diameter (example M12: 12 x 1.5 = 18 mm thread length)

Manufacturer: Völkel GmbH | Morsbachtalstrasse 20 | 42855 Remscheid | Germany | +492191 490112 | |
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